Monica Sword
Monica Sword is a multi-media artist, writer, bookmaker, and traveler. Her artistic exploration began with The Art Institutes' Interior Design program while balancing an information technology career in educational administration. Later, through Dunedin Fine Art Center classes, she learned how to create a visual language with shapes, symbols, and textures influenced by her poetry, travels, and daily life.
Monica lives in the Tampa Bay region and is originally from the Fox Valley communities of east-central Wisconsin. She is a former board member of Studio 1212 Art Gallery, the Professional Association of Visual Artists and the Creative Artists Guild. Bookmaking is her current creative passion.
Selected Artworks & Handmade Books
This handmade adhesive-free book uses Celtic weave and link stitches in orange and emerald waxed linen thread to hold ten mixed media paper signatures. Inspired by St. Patrick's Day.
This handmade book has a printed leather cover with 144 pages of white drawing paper sectioned into 4 signatures. It is sewn with yellow waxed linen thread in a packed long stitch pattern and is adhesive-free except for the magnet closure.
This hadcover book uses coordinated handmade book cloth, has three signatures and is sewn with a lattice stitch binding.
Mixed media of paper and acrylic on 12 x 16 canvas board, in black frame, NOT FOR SALE.