/The shadows of my ancestors
the shadow of my child
Take the form of love
take the form of mystery
In all that is above or below
in all that is come or gone
The horizon grows closer
the horizon is here
Carrying me forth
carrying me home
exploring grace and gratitude following loss
Ramblings or rumblings at life is a pretty word. Come back (almost) daily for more.
The shadows of my ancestors
the shadow of my child
Take the form of love
take the form of mystery
In all that is above or below
in all that is come or gone
The horizon grows closer
the horizon is here
Carrying me forth
carrying me home
Our mission is to encourage and inspire you to mindfully honor your heart, soul, and emotions following a loss. This site is a tribute to a beautiful, loving, and talented young woman who once scribbled on a scrap of paper life is a pretty word.