The possibilities are nearly endless
/“Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.”
The possibilities are nearly endless when we believe in ourselves, and indeed it is the first step when trying something new.
Until a few years ago, I didn't believe in my ability to write publicly, put brush to canvas, or to live as minimally as possible while traveling extensively. And I never would have thought by using soul cards I could find the focal point of a self-discovery and creativity practice that would lead me to create a card deck of my own. And yet, here I am with newfound insights and clarity as a direct result of making those creative marks, which have left their imprint on me.
I'm creating my inspiration deck as one of several creative projects honoring 2018 as my year of Now. It is the word I chose (or perhaps it chose me) to guide my creative path after many years of processing life challenges. This is the year to switch things up.
It turns out, creating a card deck is a rather intense process with many aspects; the least of which includes listening more attentively to myself and others, taking stock of past creations, being honest about my abilities, recognizing fear in its many forms. And most importantly, taking a long look at my intentions.
Having completed a year of travel after producing the Hoofen Floofen Island children's story, what better way of honoring this year of Now than by creating an inspirational card deck I'll return to again and again whenever I need a nudge ... which is almost daily! Pulling a card is the first thing I do with a full cup of coffee. Its a fun and helpful exercise to ease into my day.
If all goes well, it won't be long before the deck will be available to you also and before you know it, you'll be expressing yourself and honoring all the feels.
Join the list here, and you’ll be the first to know when the Bright Soul card deck is ready!