Missing in Action

I gratefully accepted an invite to an informal gathering of women at a Florida beach house. Missing in Action blog post: lifeisaprettyword.com

I'm feeling apologetic for being missing in action. It's been a month since I last wrote or posted on the blog. I don't imagine you were lying awake at night wondering what happened to me, though, right?

When I wrote the blog post, The Day the Music Stopped, I underestimated the emotional toll it took. The feedback from readers has been extraordinary and affirming; yet, the emptiness kept me from writing for awhile. 

All blogging experts say consistency is key to maintaining a connection with your followers. I found myself wanting to do nothing but follow others for awhile, just cruise downstream for a bit. So I've been observing myself and others, building strength and hoping you didn't notice my absence. 

Gratefully, during this writing lull, I accepted an invitation to an informal gathering of women at a Florida beach house.  Here I was able to recharge by connecting with a batch of new friends, reading a classic novel (The Flight of the Falcon), staring at the horizon, writing letters, watching the sunrise, and noting how the power of the waves strengthens my resolve

Shortly after returning home, I pulled a major muscle in my hip and low back which put me in bed for days. In her book, You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay suggests hip problems are related to a fear of going forward in major decisions or that I can't see my way forward. I think she may be onto something. 

This month of being adrift after intense writing had me worried about what comes next. Later, I remembered how setbacks and pauses were healthy. We start again, maybe with a course correction, perhaps tentatively or with hope and great resolve. Being away and resting from an injury gave me time to consider making a shift; to look beyond the pain of loss and to refocus on the delights of being the mother of this incredible girl named Lena. 

I like this view much better. 

blog post; lifeisaprettyword.com


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Monica Sword

Monica Sword is an aspiring author and artist living a deeply heartfelt life. Following the early death of three family members, including her daughter, she struggled to balance home and work life. Once she discovered how to apply her conscientious and high-achieving personality to honor her passions, be mindful of her emotional reactions and focus on self-care, she developed a creative mindset that produces her most meaningful life work. On her website, lifeisaprettyword.com, Monica inspires and encourages others to honor their heart and soul in mindful ways.