Remember with me, that's your gift

remember with me, that's your gift,

Remember with me
that’s your gift
and the rub, I know

If I say her name
it is your cue
to not disappear

The amulet jingles
about my neck
don’t look away

You can ask
and never fear
to make me cry

Our tears mix
racked or refreshed
and shed either way

Remember with me
lest I forget
that’s your gift

blog post,

What about you? How do you want others to interact with you in your grief? Do you know how to ask? 

Share in the comments below.



Monica Sword

Monica Sword is an aspiring author and artist living a deeply heartfelt life. Following the early death of three family members, including her daughter, she struggled to balance home and work life. Once she discovered how to apply her conscientious and high-achieving personality to honor her passions, be mindful of her emotional reactions and focus on self-care, she developed a creative mindset that produces her most meaningful life work. On her website,, Monica inspires and encourages others to honor their heart and soul in mindful ways.