Why look up?

Why look up?

Think big. Reach for the sky. The sky's the limit. To infinity and beyond. Great advice, even if cliche. 

Why do we look up anyway? We may find answers, connect with Spirit or witness Mother Nature revealing her grandeur with a magnificence that dwarfs even the most narcissistic among us. 

We continue with grand or small steps, with determination following failure, disease, tragedy, and disappointment because looking up triggers hope, renewal, change, At least it does for me. 

And what does the continually shifting perspective of passing clouds ask of us? Only that we grab hold before it's too late. 

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I thought I broke my foot. Thankfully, I've never broken a bone and today's episode did not change that record. Still, it hurt. A lot. After ignoring warning pains, I took a misstep that got my attention enough to make a stop at urgent care. 

In "You Can Heal Your Life," Louise Hay says feet represent "our understanding of ourselves, of life, of others." Apparently, I need some clarity on how to change with the times and feel safe about that.

Sitting here, in the easy chair, with my foot elevated and on ice, has me wondering what have I misunderstood and where I'll find the key to that door. Perhaps the foot injury is simply an opportunity to take slower steps and a reminder to put first things first. 

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